
It may be hard to believe, but stress isn’t all bad. In fact, stress can be simply defined as the way the body responds to any real or perceived change to the environment. The causes of stress and the responses to stress can be physical, mental, and emotional.

So why is stress so...stressful? All organisms have the stress response, commonly referred to as “fight, flight, or freeze,” but most organisms quickly return to their baseline state after the threat has passed. Humans have a large prefrontal lobe that gives many advantages, but can also lead to worry, anxiety, and stress about potential changes in the environment. Since the brain can’t distinguish between what is real and what is imagined, the mechanism of “fight, flight, or freeze” can continue unchecked.

The fight, flight, or freeze response will help you run from a lion - or meet your deadline in time. But with constant deadlines come a prolonged increase in stress hormones like cortisol, and an increase in heart rate, blood pressure, muscle tension, anxiety, and other problems.

In today’s fast paced environment, the stressors are never-ending, and most people don’t give their bodies the time or the resources to rest and regenerate. This is negatively impacting health. It is estimated that 75-90% of all visits to doctors’ offices are for STRESS related complaints.

Stress is simply a response, and though you can’t always change the stressors, you can learn to change your responses.

Call today to learn how Dr. Berry can help you.

How Can Dr. Berry Help You with Stress?

Physical Stress

Chiropractic: Pain relief is just one benefit of chiropractic. It also helps to remove nerve irritation so that the brain and every cell, tissue, and organ in the body communicate better. When the nervous system functions optimally, you can move through life with greater ease.

Nutrition: A healthy diet leads to more energy and decreases the level of inflammation in the body, ultimately decreasing pain levels over time. 

Emotional Stress

Chiropractic: Prolonged pain can be emotionally draining and exhausting. Chiropractic helps to relieve pain naturally.

Nutrition: The foods that you eat affect your emotions in multiple ways, but one of the most direct connections is with serotonin levels. Serotonin affects mood, sleep, appetite, and pain levels, and about 95% of serotonin is created in the gut from the healthy foods you eat.

Mental Stress

Chiropractic: When your brain gets more blood and oxygen, you can think more clearly. Spinal adjustments and corrective exercises help to improve posture, allowing you to breathe more deeply and fully oxygenate all tissues in the body, including the brain.

Nutrition: Mental clarity and focus improve when you give your body all the essential nutrients it needs to grow and repair.

Stress Response AKA "Fight, Flight, or Freeze"

  • Increases heart rate


  • Increases blood pressure


  • Increases breathing rate


  • Increases muscle tension


  • Increases stress hormones


  • Increases anxiety


Relaxation Response AKA "Rest & Digest"

  • Decreases heart rate


  • Decreases blood pressure


  • Decreases breathing rate


  • Decreases muscle tension


  • Decreases stress hormones


  • Decreases anxiety


Take Control of Your Stress.

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  • Back Pain
  • Carpal Tunnel
  • Fatigue
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  • Mood Swings
  • Neck Pain
  • Sciatica
  • Sinus Allergies
  • Sleep Problems
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Patient Reviews

TOM, St. Augustine, FL

Dr. Berry,

I would like to thank you for showing concern for a new client. I came to your office last Thursday and your putting concern for me instead of your business SAVED MY LIFE. You arranged for me to get an EKG prior to the chiropractic visit, and that set a series of events in motion that led to having a 100% blockage in my artery removed that same day. If I had delayed (or not followed through with your instructions) I might not be here today. I want to thank you for having that concern and wait until I get back into your office and thank you personally. Again, thanks.

Elmer B.

Just before Christmas I stopped in your office, late in the day unannounced, and you were getting ready to leave. You delayed your departure to take care of the pain in my neck. Later, after you left, I learned that you were anxious to leave because your wife was not well.

Sir, that is patient care "above and beyond"! Many thanks for your special attention in light of the circumstances.

Blessings, E.B.


After years of pain, Dr. Berry and his staff gave me a new lease on life. When I leave their office after a treatment I have so much energy and are virtually pain free.

Thanks for changing my pain to painfree.



About two years ago I took a fifteen hour road trip, after which I experienced extreme pain in my back and right leg. After recieving treatment from various massage therapists and chiropractors for two years I experienced no real pain relief.

I was sharing my experiences with several of my friends one evening and one of my friends spoke of Dr. Berry who was successful in treating her husbands leg discomfort.

Dr. Berry introduced me to the ProAdjuster. I was given detailed information on how it works and why I was having pain. The information he has given me has become a path to my recovery.

Dr. Berry and his staff are kind, caring health professionals. They make it easy and comfortable to share the details of my pain. In a few short weeks my pain has subsided.


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